This project is being delivered through a series of activities which can be grouped within the following key areas:
Scoping Exercise and Curriculum Mapping
This first activity consisted of a scoping study leading to a series of reports to inform potential users, policy-makers and researchers about the effective integration of Global Competence within a) initial teacher education programmes and b) school curricula.
Developing Globally Competent Educators
The aim of this activity was to raise awareness with Educators for the need of Global Competence in teacher education programmes and to support Educators as they too develop their own Global Competence.
Raising Awareness of Global Competence with School Leaders
This activity was not supported by the funders. We had included it as a activity, so that we could raise awareness amongst School Leaders of the importance of integrating Global Competence into the strategic plans of their schools, so to empower and enable teachers to teach Global Competence.
Flexible Training Programme for Trainee Teachers
The training programme we created in this activity, supports trainee teachers as they learn to both become Globally Competent themselves and learn how to develop Global Competence in their students once they become qualified teachers in schools, harnessing the latest innovations in technology to enable learners during and beyond the life of the project to experience different views, cultures and ways of life in a virtual environment, which is of vital importance for sustainability and for those without the funds to travel.
Academic Outputs
This activity features a collection of articles including conference presentations and papers, full journal articles, policy publications, advocacy kits and a full conference strand, which have all been designed to promote and enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of the other activities. All of the academic articles have been quality assured through a process of rigorous blind peer review.
An Invitation...
To get involved or to learn more, please join our online network here: The Global Education Network or contact the Project Lead, Dr Sarah-Louise Jones ([email protected]).